Back to work...

I went back to work today after 2 1/2 years off on Disability. It was nice to be back but I am just realizing that it is going to interfere with all my hobbies and habits. LOL Not cool. I will do my best to keep the graphics and photographs coming. It will probably take me a little bit to adjust to life again. In the grand scheme of things (aka life) this is a good thing.

So here are some old graphics and wallpapers that I promised I would share. Some of them are not that great but hey, I am still learning photoshop. Trial and Error baby!!

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If you like what you see here and want to support KJR Designs please feel free to Donate. If I have done some work for you please again feel free to make a donation until my fee schedule has been worked out. Any amount is appreciated but not expected at all unless we have worked something out prior to the work being completed. Thank you very much for your support.

